DashGuard Pro 

Don't wait until it's too late! Dash Cameras will save you thousands with undeniable video evidence of your case.

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Pair with your phone

Easily connect your phone with the DashGuard Pro camera for access to settings and video gallery.

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  • Dashcams offer solid non-biased evidence of what occurred. Helping save time and money spent in court over something that isn’t your fault

  • Insurance fraud cost U.S. citizens $300B annually. Somtimes it's as simple as an at-fault driver trying to blame the victim to avoid liability. Other times people intentionally engage in insurance fraud schemes. Dashcams solve this.

  • A dashcam can deter thieves or vandals from damaging your vehicle when left unattended.

    With DashGuard's 24/7 monitoring (choose Buck Line option at checkout) you can rest easy wherever your car is parked.

Did you know? The party who is rear ended in an accident is assumed innocent. This driver saved THOUSANDS of dollars by having a dash camera which caught the scammer purposefully backing into them. Without video evidence - it would be assumed by a Judge that they hit the scammers from behind.